Klimentina Deneva - MOEW secretary general

Klimentina Deneva – Varbanova – MOEW secretary general

Klimentina Deneva is a Law graduate of the Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”. She has extensive experience in public administration, having served as secretary general in the National Health Insurance Fund, the Ministry of Regional Development, and the Ministry of Environment. She has over 25 years of legal experience and over 10 years of managerial experience.

She holds certificates in “Strategic Planning” and “Strategic Management in Bulgaria. Strategic Priorities”, “E-Government. The Boom of Virtual Government in Europe”, “Project Cycle Management” from the European Institute of Public Administration - Maastricht, as well as in “Prevention of Corruption Risk”, “Strategic Management in Public Administration” from IPA and others.

She has also worked as a consultant in a number of programmes in the field of public procurement, ecology, and social security.

She is guided by the principle of the rule of law.