EMEPA decided on the disposal of positive COVID-tests from schools and provided 15.5 million BGN for the water supply and sewerage networks of 10 settlements
12 Nov, 2021 | 11:52The Management Board of the Enterprise for Management of Environmental Protection Activities (EMEPA) today decided that the enterprise will collect, transport, and dispose of the waste incineration boxes collected in the Regional Health Inspectorates free of charge, containing the positive rapid antigen COVID-19 tests for the students in the first to fourth grades. These will be transported with the three trucks and one freight bus available for the enterprise, adapted, and certified according to ADR for transport of hazardous waste, and will be burned in a disposal facility - the MOEW Incinerator operated by EMEPA on the territory of Aleksandrovska Hospital.
Due to the large number of schools and students in Sofia, hazardous waste will be possible to collect on site from the schools if at least three boxes with positive tests are filled, in which case the Regional Department of Education or the Regional Health Inspectorate should request their transportation and disposal. The activities will be implemented entirely at the expense of the EMEPA due to the temporary nature of the measures for the period of increased COVID cases, as well as the expectations that the measures will be canceled after the restoration of normal attendance at schools.
The EMEPA Management Board also approved applications for financing investment projects for construction and reconstruction of treatment facilities and water supply and sewerage networks for 10 settlements in the country at the total value of 15.5 million BGN.
Five of the projects will be funded under the priority for agglomerations between 2 000 and 10 000 residents. Those include projects: for Beloslav municipality, Varna district worth 100 191 BGN; for the town of Strelcha, Pazardzhik district in the amount of 4 936 020 BGN; for the town of Maglizh, Stara Zagora district in the amount of 5 514 388 BGN; for the village of Belozem, Rakovski municipality, Plovdiv district in the amount of 2 878 842 BGN; for the town of Vidin, Vidin district in the amount of 91 229 BGN.
Under the priority for settlements between 50 and 2 000 residents projects will be funded for the villages of Zlatar and Troitsa in the municipality of Veliki Preslav, Shumen district in the amount of 471 843 BGN. In order to overcome technological water losses and frequent accidents 552 052 BGN will be provided for the villages of Kyulevcha and Markovo in the municipality of Kaspichan.
At today's meeting, the Management Board of the EMEPA also adopted the proposal for 50% increase in funds for project implementation under the National Campaign “Clean Environment 2022” compared to previous years within the total budget of 3.5 million BGN, whereby up to 15 000 BGN will be for projects of municipalities and town halls and up to 7 500 BGN for projects of schools and kindergartens (so far the distribution was 10 000 BGN and 5 000 BGN respectively). The national campaign “Clean Environment”, which has been running for 18 years, has gained wide public popularity and the analysis shows that thanks to the program the voluntary work and large-scale participation by both adults and adolescents bring about positive results throughout country.