Hourly sampling confirms indicators of coastal waters in the region of the run-aground ship remain normal

03 Oct, 2021 | 11:02


By order of the Minister of Environment and Water Asen Lichev, a frequent one-hour water sampling has been carried out in the area of ​​the run-aground ship “Vera Su”, also during the past night. Ammonium nitrogen ​​remains stable at normal value ​​for coastal waters in the area. Samples are taken to measure indicators, such as PH active reaction, temperature, dissolved oxygen, oxygen saturation, the values of which also remain stable normal - to date those are the same as on September 25th, before the failed operation for the cargo transfer.

For now, the sea around the run-aground ship is calm. The MOEW continues to monitor the condition of Black Seas waters in the immediate vicinity of the ship.