Minister Asen Lichev approved amendment to the Forest Management Plan for the lands in the Gabrovo municipality

18 Nov, 2021 | 10:35

The Minister of Environment and Water Asen Lichev issued a decision approving the amendment to the Forestry Management Plan of the Territorial Division “State Forestry Gabrovo” with the main motif that the amendment of the plan is unlikely to have a significant negative impact on natural habitats and habitats of species subject to protection in protected areas “Dryanovo Monastery” and “Skalsko” for protection of natural habitats and wild flora and fauna, as well as in the protected area "Bulgarka" for protection of wild birds.

The amendment to the Forestry Management Plan was prepared on the basis of an update and supplement to the inventory of  state forests and covers forest territories in the lands of the municipality of Gabrovo. It is related to identifying older forests, processes of transformation in forest cultures, and planning of the activities for management of forest territories.

The decision by the Minister requires that the Forestry Plan complies with conditions, such as: to carry out technical felling in forest natural habitats within the protected areas outside the breeding of wild birds in the period March 15 - June 15; to replace planned short-term-gradual felling within the boundaries of the protected area “Vita Stena” with selective felling; to leave 8 to 10 m3/ha of dead or rotting wood in order to protect the natural character of the ecosystems, except for the forests with high degree of fire danger.

The amendment to the Forestry Management Plan is to be approved by the Executive Director of the Executive Forest Agency at the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Forestry.