The Ministry of Environment and Water works in support of the desired results from the National Recovery and Resilience Plan

24 Aug, 2023 | 13:00


During the planning of the activities for the “National Recovery and Resilience Plan” in 2021, three investments and one reform were included in sector “Environment”. The reform aims to establish a governance structure for the “Natura 2000” network through the adoption of an amending act to the Biodiversity Act. On proposal by the MOEW, the Council of Ministers submitted the bill to the 49th National Assembly for consideration.


Ecosystem approach for “Natura 2000”

The first planned investment – “Integrating the ecosystem approach and applying nature-friendly solutions in the conservation of protected areas of the Natura 2000 network”, aims to define specific objectives and measures for the protected areas of the network. It foresees the full completion of the process for determining the more than 250 specific targets for protected areas and measures for 90 protected areas that are part of the Natura 2000 network.

At the same time, a monetary estimation of ecosystem services will be prepared and a database will be created for its introduction into the country’s accounting standards, as well as specialised databases on ecosystems, ecosystem services and green infrastructure and their visualisation in an existing information environment.

The activities foreseen also include a demonstration of nature-based solutions for restoring ecosystems with climate contribution and ensuring connectivity of the Natura 2000 network, as well as measures to ensure public support through their involvement in decision-making on the conservation of the Natura 2000 protected areas.

This first investment, planned during the development of the National Plan for Recovery and Resilience, is part of the implementation of Bulgaria’s commitments under the Habitats Directive, as well as the implementation of commitments related to an infringement procedure against Bulgaria for the lacking completion of the process for defining the specific objectives and measures of protected areas. The MOEW is already working on the implementation of the actions.


Restoring Ecosystems for Climate

The second project is “Restoring key climate ecosystems and implementing the EU Biodiversity Strategy and the objectives of the European Green Deal”. The investment includes measures for afforestation of tree species, which will be implemented by the Forestry Executive Agency. It is also planned to restore 6 wetlands, increase the share of protected areas, implement conservation and educational measures to protect local protected species and sustainable development of zoos.

A baseline requirement for the successful completion of wetland restoration activities and conservation and education related measures for zoos is to have statutory management bodies for Natura 2000 areas. With a letter dated 28.04.2023 to the Deputy Prime Minister for European Funds, the Ministry of Environment and Water proposed to withdraw from this second investment, due to the still high risk for unsuccessful implementation of these activities.

The governing bodies in question are part of the amendments to the Biodiversity Act, developed and proposed for approval, which have not yet been adopted by the National Assembly. This circumstance should be present in view of the successful and complete implementation of the investment.

As partners in the implementation of the investment, it is necessary to include structures without whose participation the activities cannot be realized. For the creation of artificial wetlands, it is up to municipalities to determine suitable areas and to carry out their subsequent maintenance and sustainability.

To ensure the connectivity of the rivers, the management authorities at the regional level should be the contractors. For the activities of implementing conservation and educational measures for zoos, the municipalities that manage these zoos should be the contractors. The MOEW is looking for an additional opportunity to involve these partners.

These activities will be funded to a large extent by implementing measures set out in the National Framework for Priority Actions for “Natura 2000” with funds from the “Environment 2021-2027” Program. The program envisages funding facilities and equipment for the protection of species outside their natural environment - in rescue centers, zoos, vivariums, botanical gardens, arboretums, living collections and breeding centers, breeding of endangered/protected species, etc. Projects under the Operational Program “Environment 2014 – 2020” and under the LIFE Program for Wetlands, part of the National Plan for the Protection of the Most Important Wetlands in Bulgaria 2013-2020, are already being implemented or have been implemented, which are Ramsar sites.

At the same time, the investment related to measures for afforestation of tree species will be realized by the Forestry Executive Agency.


Digitization for water management

The third investment proposed for implementation under the National Water and Wastewater Management Plan is in the field of water with the title “Digitalization for complex management, control, and efficient use of water”. In the mentioned letter from April of this year The Ministry of Environment and Water informed that this investment should be cancelled. The reason is that the main recipients of the funds – “National Electricity Company” EAD and “Irrigation Systems” EAD, cannot receive the intended funding, as they are state-owned commercial companies and the restrictions of the principles of state aid apply to them.

Already in 2021, funding of activities that are subject to private financing has been pledged. In addition, funding was planned for some entities - large companies, but others - small private entities - were not included. This leads to a lack of a unified approach and threatens to be considered a violation of the rules on equal treatment and unfair state aid. The realization of the investment also entails the risk of double funding.

The institutions are engaged in this part of the project activities, which are of particular importance for collecting information and making management decisions.

Other workable alternatives that contribute to the achievement of the investment objective with the realization of implemented and planned projects of similar scope and objectives include:

Project No. BG16M1OP002-1-013-0001/09.10.2017 “Completion of water quantity monitoring networks”, financed under OPE 2014-2020;

Project BG16M1OP002-4.002-0001 “Creation of a Water Management System in the Iskar River Basin, as the first phase of a Real-Time National Water Management System”, financed under the OPE 2014-2020 .

Under the “Environment 2021-2027” Program, the financing of the “Creation of a National Real-Time Water Management System” measure will continue for the territory of the entire country in the basins of the remaining 12 river basins.

The MOEW is making maximum efforts to find realistic opportunities for the implementation of the described investments, taking into account the increasingly short remaining time before the deadline and the lack of preparatory actions in the last year.