The Protection Objectives for 21 New Protected Areas from “Natura 2000” were Published for Public Discussion
28 Mar, 2023 | 10:37
The process of developing specific and detailed nature protection objectives for the protected areas of the “Natura 2000” network continues. The MOEW published for public discussion specific and detailed nature protection objectives for 21 new protected areas. Conservation objectives must be met in a given area to ensure the long-term conservation of the habitat types and species within it, and that it contributes in the best way to achieving or maintaining the favorable status of the relevant habitat type and species in the respective biogeographical region and country.
These objectives are the basis for identifying conservation measures. They are based on scientific knowledge and data about the state of the respective area, the species and natural habitats subject to conservation within it, as well as about the main impacts and threats that may affect them. The documents have been prepared in accordance with the Concept for the development of specific and detailed nature protection objectives at the protected area level for areas in the “Natura 2000” ecological network, which is approved by the Minister of Environment and Water. They have been developed specifically for each protected area in compliance with the guidelines of the European Commission to achieve full compliance with the requirements of Directive 92/43/EEC on the protection of natural habitats and wild flora and fauna and Directive 2009/147/EC on the protection of wild birds.
The objectives for these protected areas were developed by an expert team in implementation of the Memorandum on cooperation and joint activity between the Ministry of the Interior and “Vik” EAD Burgas, as well as in accordance with the contract between “Vik” EAD Burgas and “Umweltbundesamt” OOD (Federal Environmental Agency of the Republic of Austria).
The active participation of all competent authorities, the stakeholders, and the general public is of key importance in establishing conservation objectives for “Natura 2000” ecological network areas. You can find detailed information about the specific conservation objectives and documents at zastitena-zona-za-21-zastiteni-zoni-ot-ekologichnata-mreja-natura-2000/
Stakeholders can send opinions, proposals, recommendations and comments by 24.04.2023 to the following address: Ministry of Environment and Water 1000, Sofia, 22 “Kn. Maria Luiza” blvd., as well as by e-mail at