The study of Black Sea habitats and species subject to protection under “Natura 2000” to begin

31 Aug, 2022 | 15:15


An international team of scientists and experts is to begin its work on putting together a map of habitats and species within protected areas in the Bulgarian Black Sea aquatory.

“The main activities under the project ‘Natura 2000 in the Black Sea’ are starting and include research and mapping of the distribution of natural habitat types, habitats of species and their populations, as well as determining their conservation status in the marine spaces of Bulgaria,” said Miroslav Kalugerov, Director of Directorate “National Office for the Protection of Nature” at the MOEW during an opening press conference today in Varna. He added that the main objective is to complete the ‘Natura 2000’ network in the marine environment in accordance with the requirements of Directive 92/43/EEC on the protection of natural habitats and wild flora and fauna (Habitats Directive).

One of the specific goals of the project is to establish the distribution and conservation status of species and types of natural habitats in the marine part of the “Natura 2000” network in Bulgaria. Subject to study and evaluation are seven types of marine and coastal natural habitats, two species of cetaceans, and two species of fish.

The types of natural habitats are permanently covered by seawater sand and mudflats, estuaries, extensive shallow bays, underwater or partially underwater sea caves. These include silty-sandy coastal areas that are not covered or barely covered by seawater, underwater structures formed by seeping gases and brown, red and green algal communities on rocky seabeds (Reefs). The marine mammal species include the bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) and the porpoise (Phocoena phocoena). The species of fish include the Pontic Shad, the Danube Mackerel (Alosa immaculata) and Small Pontic Shad, and the Alosa tanaica.

The total value of the project is 11 734 980 BGN of which 9,974,733 BGN is provided by the European Regional Development Fund and 1 760 247 BGN is national co-financing. Beneficiary of the project is the Directorate „National Service for the Protection of Natureаt the Ministry of Environment and Water. The contractor for the main activity of the project is DZZD "PONTUS INDAGO". All activities are scheduled to be completed by 30 November 30 2023.