Minister Borislav Sandov met with the Minister for Climate Action of Austria Leonore Gewessler

02 Jun, 2022 | 10:52


Deputy Prime Minister for Climate Policy and Minister of the Environment and Water Borislav Sandov met with Austrian Minister for Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology Leonore Gewessler. The bilateral meeting took place yesterday in Vienna.

The two discussed current issues from the European agenda focused on climate change and the green transition. The ministers emphasized that the transition to zero emissions should be based on integrated management approaches, resource efficiency, and conservation of natural capital. Efforts should focus on diversifying, modernizing, and increasing the competitiveness and digitalisation of the economy.

Minister Sandov presented the specific measures of the Bulgarian government on the road to 2030, and to 2050, set in the National Recovery and Resilience Plan, namely: reforms and investments for energy transition and the decarbonisation of the energy sector, development of electric mobility, increasing energy efficiency and overcoming energy poverty, clear prioritization and support for adaptation to the rapidly changing climate, conservation and restoration of biodiversity, as well as implementation of nature-based solutions.

The two expressed readiness for productive future cooperation.