Operational Program “Environment” reported on achieved results
02 Dec, 2022 | 15:26Operational program “Environment 2014-2020” reported on the results achieved in terms of completed activities at an annual information event at the Water Tower in Sofia.
The Minister of Environment and Water Rositsa Karamfilova welcomed the participants at the Annual Information Event of the Operational Program "Environment 2014-2020" (OPE), pointing out that the main overarching goal is to learn to live in harmony with nature. She used a favorite quote of hers to emphasize the need for joint efforts to achieve this goal: “When we want to get there fast - we go alone. And when we want to go far - we go together”.
Agnes Monfre, head of Department for Bulgaria, Croatia and Slovenia in the EC’s Directorate-General for Regional and Urban Policy stated: “The environment is the rock we hold on to or else we can fall from. It is important to work together for a green sustainable Bulgaria and a green sustainable Europe”.
The head of the Managing Authority of Operational Program “Environment 2014-2020” Galina Simeonova presented the progress in the different priority axes of the program. “What gives us reason to believe that we have succeeded are the built 570 km of water supply networks and 16 treatment plants within the ‘Water’ axis, the closed and recultivated 52 municipal landfills, the new composting installations in 98 municipalities, and the new installations financed by OPE for preliminary treatment of mixed household waste in 76 municipalities under the ‘Waste’ axis,” she pointed out. Ms Simeonova emphasized that Operational Program “Environment 2014-2020” (through Priority Axis “Nature 2000 and Biodiversity”) continues to support measures to improve the environmental status of species and habitats, to restore habitats and protect flora and fauna. “We financed reinforcing the sites of dangerous landslides near populated areas and along the republican road network. The population covered by measures to reduce the amount of fine dust particles in the atmospheric air has increased. 385 environmentally friendly vehicles were delivered: 296 electric buses, 60 trolleybuses, and 29 trams,” said the head of the Program's Managing Authority.
Guests from the European Commission, members of the OPE 2014-2020 Monitoring Committee, representatives of the Ministry of Environment and Water, and others were in attendance.
The annual information event of OPE 2014-2020 was held at the Water Tower in Lozenets, Sofia. The place was chosen because the tower, built in 1929, was part of the beginning of the development process of water supply in our country. At the moment, the tower has the status of a single immovable cultural value and works as a gallery. Hence, it also featured 2 art-projects related to OPE: a 3D projection of water flowing along a canvas from the fifth to the first floor of the tower and the project “Residents: in search of a better environment”. Through the later in 2023 successfully implemented projects funded by OPE 2014-2020 will be displayed in an attractive way in 6 cities in the country.