Ordinances on environmental noise in Bulgaria

ORDINANCE No. 6 of 26.06.2006 on the environmental noise indicators, taking into account the degree of discomfort during the different parts of the day, the limit values of the environmental noise indicators, the assessment methods of the noise indicator`s values and the harmful effects of noise on public health
Issued by the Minister of Health and the Minister of Environment and Water, prom. SG 58 of 18.07.2006
(The whole text in Bulgarian language only can be found here)


ORDINANCE on the requirements for the development and the content of strategic noise maps and action plans
Adopted by Council of Ministers Decree No. 217 of 18.08.2006, prom. SG 70 of 29.08.2006
(The whole text in Bulgarian language only can be found here)


ORDINANCE No. 54 of 13.12.2010 on the activities of the national system for environmental noise monitoring and on the requirements for conducting self-monitoring and provision of information from industrial sources of environmental noise
Issued by the Minister of Health and the Minister of Environment and Water, prom. SG 3 of 11.01.2011, entering into force on 12.02.2011
(The whole text in Bulgarian language only can be found here)


ORDINANCE No. 3 of 25.04.2006 on the requirements for the establishment, maintenance and content of the registers of agglomerations, major roads, major railways and major airports in the country
Issued by the Minister of Health, the Minister of Regional Development and Public Works and the Minister of Transport, prom. SG 38 of 9.05.2006
(The whole text in Bulgarian language only can be found here)


ORDINANCE on the essential requirements and assessment of the compliance of machines and equipment working outdoors with regard to the noise emitted by them in the air
Adopted by Council of Ministers Decree No. 22 of 29.01.2004, prom. SG 11 of 10.02.2004, last amend. and suppl., prom. SG 37 of 8.05.2007
(The whole text in Bulgarian language only can be found here)


ORDINANCE No. 16 of 14.01.1999 on aviation noise and on gaseous emissions of aviation engines
Issued by the Minister of Transport, prom., SG, no. 8 of 29.01.1999, in force as of 1.03.1999, amend. 24 of 5.03.2002, in force as of 5.03.2002, amend. and suppl., prom. SG 6 of 19.01.2007
(The whole text in Bulgarian language only can be found here)