National news
In Bulgaria on May 28 we mark today’s European Day of Parks
24 May, 2024 | 11:00The European Day of Parks on 24 May has been declared by EUROPARC, the European Federation of National and Nature Parks. The initiative was launched in 1999 and aims to create a sense of closeness to nature, to raise public awareness of the importance of natural ecosystems preserved in protected areas. The date chosen is related to 24 May 1909, whe...
The Annual Grazing Plans for National Parks have been Approved
23 May, 2024 | 16:25The directors of the directorates of national parks have approved the annual grazing and hay use plans for the national parks for 2024. On the basis of these plans and the procedures set out in them, grazing and haying permits will be issued to livestock keepers. The plans lay out the necessary preconditions for environmentally sound use of the pro...
An Operator with a Complex Permit in Ruse has been Fined for the Spread of Odors
22 May, 2024 | 17:11The Director of the RIEW - Ruse Aneliya Nikolova fined Linamar Light Metals Ruse Ltd. 250 000 BGN for non-compliance with a condition in its complex permit. The penalty notice was served today to the legal representative of the company. The violation was detected on April 9, when in the period from 19:47 to 23:00 the inspection received 43 signals...
The MOEW held a Discussion on the River Basin Management Plan for the Black Sea Region and the Marine Strategy
22 May, 2024 | 12:05"The water quality of the Black Sea is of utmost importance for the environment and its rich biodiversity, as well as for people, economic activities, regional development, and tourism. Protection and measures to improve the condition of coastal waters and the marine environment are implemented through two strategic documents - the River Basin Mana...
May 22 is International Day for Biological Diversity
22 May, 2024 | 09:25Today is International Day for Biological Diversity. On this day, 196 international communities and member countries of the Convention on Biological Diversity call for daily efforts to protect biodiversity and its sustainable use. This year's theme is "Be Part of the Plan" and is a call to action for all stakeholders to address the root causes of ...
The literary competition "Mimi Pramatarova 2024" is themed "The huts of Rila are calling"
21 May, 2024 | 12:56The National Trust EcoFund (NTEF) in partnership with the Rila National Park and the “Environmental Forum Plus” Foundation announced for the eighteenth consecutive year the literary competition for the National Award for Nature Conservation "Mimi Pramatarova 2024" with the theme "The huts of Rila are calling". The contest is open to Bu...
The MOEW marks 32 years “Natura 2000” in the European Union
21 May, 2024 | 09:00May 21, 2024 marks the 32nd anniversary of the Natura 2000 network of protected areas in the European Union (EU). The Ministry of the Environment and Water (MOEW), jointly with the regional inspectorates for environmental and water, the national park directorates, the basin directorates, and the Executive Environment Agency are celebrating the Euro...
We Mark May 20 - World Bee Day
20 May, 2024 | 09:59May 20 was declared World Bee Day in December 2017 in New York with a resolution by the UN General Assembly with the full consensus of 115 countries, including all member states of the European Union. For the 7th time this year on 20 May we are paying special attention to bees, aimed at raising public awareness about the importance of bees and bee...
Minister Petar Dimitrov inspected for the second time within a month the cleaning of unregulated pollution in the Montana region
17 May, 2024 | 17:03For the second time within a month, the Minister of Environment and Water Petar Dimitrov conducted an inspection in the Montana region in reaction to numerous reports of unregulated pollution. The inspection was carried out jointly with the member of parliament Petar Petrov, the Deputy Mayor of the Municipality of Montana and the Director o...
RIEW - Ruse imposed a new sanction on the water supply operator in Razgrad
17 May, 2024 | 14:21RIEW - Ruse imposed an ongoing monthly sanction in the amount of BGN 117 703 on "Water Supply Dunav" EOOD in Razgrad, operator of the Urban Wastewater Treatment Plant (UWTP). The administrative measure was imposed for identified deviations in the individual emission limits set in the company's discharge permit for a water body. The water s...
The MOEW held a Discussion on "Economy and Energy" on River Basin Plans
16 May, 2024 | 15:27As part of the ongoing series of meetings within the framework of the consultation on the draft updated River Basin Management Plans for the period 2022-2027, the discussion on "Economy and Energy" took place today. "Today we are looking at the requirements in directives related to these sectors, the impact on water from economic activities, and t...
The Campaign “Our Planet, our Climate” started
16 May, 2024 | 12:17A campaign to raise awareness and motivation among young people to tackle climate change through a series of science workshops was launched among school and university students across the country. "Our Planet, Our Climate" is a campaign by the Environment Programme (EP) 2021-2027 and the Winds of Change initiative that will run from 15 May 2024 to ...