Project for "Xefoto Wind Farm" located in the Municipality of Miki, Xanthi Regional Subdivision, East Macedonia and Thrace Region, Greece with a total capacity of 148.8 MW and associated infrastructure

 - Letter  № A.P.:YПЕN/ΔIПА/36854 dated  from 05.04.2024 . from  Ministry of Environmet and Energetics of Helenic Republic accompaniyng Summary technical descripion of design changes (reduction of capacity of to 105,4 MW), документация по ОВОСдокументация за специална екологична оценка (ОСВ) за зона под специална защита GR1130012 „Долината Комсату“ и защитена зона GR009 „Долината на Комсату“ за птиците в Гърция и  топографска карта for project Wind “Xefoto”

 - Letter. № 99-00-111-4/18.03.2024 from Ministry of Environment and Water of Bulgaria to  Ministry of Environmet and Energetics of Helenic Republic to provide additional information for парк „Xefoto“

Today, 13.03.2024, The Ministry of Environment and Waters provides public access to the notification, non-technical summary, topographic map and cartographic map of the area for the investment proposal for "Xefoto Wind Farm" located in the Municipality of Miki, Regional Subdivision of Xanthi, Eastern Macedonia and Thrace Region, Greece with a total capacity of 148.8 MW and associated infrastructure, received by letter ref. no. A.P.:YPEH/ΔIPA/22262/1474 dated 29.02.2024.