Transboundary procedures in which Bulgaria is both - country of origin and affected country
Project for improvment of the navigation conditions of the Romanian-Bulgarian common sector of the Danube
- Letter from the Ministry of Environment of Romania - Response of the Ministry of Environment and Water of Republic of Bulgaria - Notification and Annexes to Project for i...
Construction and Reconstruction of Railway line-Corridor 8-Eastern part” on Bulgarian territory -“Modernization of the Railway line “Radomir-Gyueshevo”
– Notification from Ministry and Environment and Water -Bulgaria of an investment proposal “Construction and Reconstruction of Railway line-Corridor 8-Eastern Part” on Bulgarian...
Construction of NABUCCO transit gas pipeline on the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria
–Notification from Ministry of Environment and Forestry of Romania for Romanian section of the Nabucco transit gas pipeline – Response of the Bulgarian Ministry of Environment and Wa...
South Stream Offshore Pipeline-Bulgarian sector
–Notification for investment proposal for construction of “South Stream Offshore Pipeline-Bulgarian sector” to Republic of Romania –Letter from Ministry of Environment and Cli...
“South Stream” Gas Transmission Pipeline” on the territory of Republic of Bulgaria
–Notification to an affected party of proposed activity under art. 3 of the Convention on Environmental Impact Assesstment in transboundary context- investment proposal “South Stream&...
Construction of a natural gas pipeline interconnector Greece – Bulgaria
– Notification from the Ministry of Environment and Water to Greece – Responce from Helenic Ministry for the Environment,Energy & Climate Change – Notificat...
Bourgas-Alexandroupolis crude oil pipeline
Notification from the Ministry of the Environment, Energy an Climate Change of Greece of a proposed activity under Article 3 of the Convention on Environmental Impact Assessment in a transboundary con...
Transboundary Impact of The Development of Passenger River Transport between Romania and Bulgaria
Notification from the Ministry of Environment-Romania Response of the Bulgarian Ministry of Environment and Water
Technical Assistance for improving the navigation conditions of the Romanian-Bulgarian common sector of the Danube an the accompanying studies
Notification from the Ministry of Transport -Romania Response of the Bulgarian Ministry of Environment and Water Proposal for the ToR for EIA Report – in bulgarian and in englis...