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Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants
In recent decades, the use of chemicals and the importance of the chemical industry have increased significantly worldwide. As a result, more and more toxic substances, including so-called persisten...
Convention on the Transboundary effects of Industrial Accidents
The Convention on the Transboundary Effects of Industrial Accidents was ratified by a law adopted by the 37th National Assembly on March 16, 1995 - SG, issue 28 of March 28, 1995. It was issued by the...
Minamata Convention on Mercury
The Republic of Bulgaria signed the Minamata Convention on Mercury on October 10, 2013 during the Diplomatic Conference of the Ministers Plenipotentiary, held in Kumamoto, Japan.The main objective of ...
Rotterdam convention
The Rotterdam Convention on the Prior Informed Consent Procedure for International Trade in Certain Hazardous Chemicals and Pesticides has been ratified by law, DV, no. 55/2000, prom. DV, no. 33/2004,...