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Registration is a procedure in which manufacturers / importers / suppliers are required to collect or generate a certain set of data on the properties of the substances they manufacture / import. This information is used to assess the hazards and risks that this substance may pose and to control these risks. This information is submitted in the form of an electronic registration dossier to the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) in Helsinki.
One substance, one registration
This means that it relies on the principle that for each substance, one set of data will be generated, which will be shared with all companies who manufacture or import the substance. Details on how this data exchange will take place are set out in the Data Exchange and Pre-Registration Guide.
IMPORTANT: It is NOT possible to submit individual registration dossiers for a substance if a registration for the same substance already exists in order to comply with the "One substance - one registration" principle through a single joint registration / submission. More information
Implementing Regulation (EU) 2016/9 more clearly defines what is meant by a "fair, transparent and non-discriminatory way" with regard to data exchange.
The registration step by step:
ATTENTION! Fake lead registrants! Make sure you contact the real lead registrant of the joint submission! ECHA has received information on companies that misrepresent themselves as lead registrants for certain substances. More
Substances of very high concern - Substances which may have serious effects on human health and the environment are the so-called “Substances of very high concern” (SVHC). One of the objectives of REACH is to control the use of such substances.
Notification of substances in articles