Bulgarian legislation requieres collection and treatment of the urbanwaste water, which if fully in line with the European legislation.
The Law for the Water, Ordinance 6 and Ordinance 2 transpose the requirements of Directive 91/271/EEC which require EU Member states to collect and treat the urban wastewater .
According to Ordinance 6 all agglomerations of above 2 000 population equivalent (p.e.) shall built collecting system and treat the urban wastewater at the latest by 31.12.2010 for all agglomerations of above 10 000 p.e. and by 31.12.2014 for the agglomerations of between 2 000 and 10 000 p.e. These deadlines are part of the EU Membership Treaty and are agreed by European Commission in the negiotiation for accession period.
More information for the progress of construction of collecting systems and treatment of the urban wastewater can be founf in Reports.
Further information on the terms “agglomeration” and “population equivalent” and their determination can be found in the 2011 Report for the public (only in Bulgarian).