Preparation of situation reports for the collection and treatment of the urban wastewater are due accoring to the requirements of Directive 91/271/EEC. There are several reports to be prepared according to the Directive, which differ by contents and format:
- Report on the discharges of urban wastewater and the composition of sludge (Report on Art. 15) – should be submitted withing six months of receipt of a request by European Commission according to Art. 15 of the Directive. The report is a geographic database containing information on agglomerations, urban wastewater treatment plants and discharge points
- Report on the implementation of the Directive which is prepared for the public (Report on Art. 16) – prepared in every two years (2007, 2009, 2011, etc.) according Art. 16 of the Directive. In an acceccible language and manner the report presents the implementation of the Directive together with tables and maps
- Report with an implementation program (Report on Art. 17) – prepared in every two years (2007,2009,2011, etc.) according to Art. 17 of the Directive. The report contains tabular information with data for each agglomeration which falls withing the scope of the Directive, information on the collecting systems, urban wastewater treatment plants, amount of generated sludge and forecast for necessary investments.
The reports for the European Commission (Art. 15 and Art. 17) are prepared in English in certain format. The report for the public (Art. 16) is prepared as text fail in Bulgarian and containt information, data and maps.
Each report presents the implementation of the Directive at the end of the previous year (31.12.2006, 31.12.2008, 31.12.2010,etc).d
A new format for reporting under Art. 17 was adopted in 2014 with a Commission decision ? 2014/431/??. After the adoption Bulgaria was requested, although having reported regularly in 2013 under Art. 17 to report again in the new format. This latest report in the new format can be downloaded from the link below.
The next regular reporting is due in 2016 both for Art. 15 and Art. 17 report, thus the Commission aiming at unification of the terms and formats of the reports among the different Member States. Art. 16 report will be published in 2016 as well.
In 2014 Bulgaria was requested by the Commission to present infromation on the compliance of the agglomeration of above 10 000 p.e. whithin the pilot procedure Pilot-6515/14/ENVI. Below in Annex II of the Pilot table is the information sent by Bulgaria.
2016 reports:
2014 reports:
2013 reports:
2011 reports:
2009 reports:
2007 reports:
2003 reports: