National news
The Management Plans for reserves the “Bistrishko Branishte” and “Torfeno Branishte” were adopted
16 Sep, 2021 | 14:28The Minister of Environment and Water Asen Lichev signed orders for approval of the management plans for the reserves “Bistrishko Branishte” and “Torfeno Branishte”. The two documents have been drafted within the project “Activities for sustainable management of reserves and maintained reserves - exclusive state owner...
The MOEW seeks financial solutions for priority activities that failed to find implementation in the preceding period
15 Sep, 2021 | 11:16In a letter to the Minister of Finance, the Ministry of Environment and Water sent several proposals for amendments to the 2021 budget of the ministry to be included in the update of the Act for the 2021 State Budget of the Republic of Bulgaria. The purpose of the proposed amendments is to overcome the drawbacks from unimplemented activities in the...
The implementation of analyses and studies on species and natural habitats subject to reporting has been restored with no negative impact on the state budget
15 Sep, 2021 | 10:21At the start of his term in office, the caretaker Minister of Environment and Water Asen Lichev found financially unsecured liabilities of the Executive Environment Agency in the amount of over 10 million BGN. Overdue liabilities in the amount of 8,584,747 BGN to contractors under the project “Analyses and studies of species and natu...
The MOEW resumes its support for the educational initiative “Green Olympics”
14 Sep, 2021 | 13:53Minister Asen Lichev approved the resumption of the “Green Olympics”, supported by the Ministry of Environment and Water from 2012 to 2019, which had established itself as the most popular online educational initiative that stimulates children and youths to expand their knowledge on nature and its conservation and contributes to buildin...
The procedure for update and adoption of the Management Plan for the Natural Park “Strandzha” is restarted
13 Sep, 2021 | 14:19Minister Asen Lichev approved the resumption of the “Green Olympics”, supported by the Ministry of Environment and Water from 2012 to 2019, which had established itself as the most popular online educational initiative that stimulates children and youths to expand their knowledge on nature and its conservation and contributes to buildin...
Minister Asen Lichev established an annual competition for students with high academic achievements “Green support for a sustainable future”
10 Sep, 2021 | 16:08As part of the initiatives marking the European Mobility Week in Bulgaria, the Minister of Environment and Water Asen Lichev established an annual competition for students with high academic achievements “Green Support for a Sustainable Future”. The competition will be conducted by the Executive Environment Agency, which announ...
The procedure for extension of NATURA 2000 zones for Kara Dere, Koral, and Pasha Dere continues in accord with European and Bulgarian legislation
10 Sep, 2021 | 11:24Council of Ministers Decision № 564/30.07.2021 amending the lists of protected areas of natural habitats and wild flora and fauna extended the territory of protected areas BG0001001 “Ropotamo”, BG0000100 “Shkorpilovtsi Beach” and BG0000103 “Galata”. The scientific community in Bulgaria and the National...
Minister Asen Lichev brought to success the promised restriction on waste imports under the 19 12 12 code
08 Sep, 2021 | 15:42With the decision of the Council of Ministers on restricting the import of waste under the code 19 12 12, adopted on September 8th, 2021, Minister Asen Lichev brought to success the government’s intention, declared in front of members of parliament, to ensure the capacity of Bulgaria for incineration for energy utilization of mechanic...
Applications for the European Natura 2000 Award can be submitted until the end of September
08 Sep, 2021 | 12:13The deadline for participation in the sixth edition of the European Natura 2000 Award is approaching, i.e. September 30th, 2021. The European Commission is collecting applications for participation by public and private organizations that contribute to the management of protected areas covered by Natura 2000 throughout the European Union. National ...
The MOEW invites all interested parties to participate in the European Mobility Week 2021
03 Sep, 2021 | 12:32The Ministry of Environment and Water (MOEW) invites all interested Bulgarian cities, institutions, business and non-governmental organizations to actively participate in the 20th anniversary of the European Mobility Week, which will take place from 16th to 22nd September 2021. The registration for participation can be accessed at:
Minister Lichev approved the flood risk mapping methodology
31 Aug, 2021 | 15:47The Minister of Environment and Water Asen Lichev issued an order approving the National Methodology for Flood Threat and Risk Mapping. The document updates the current methodology for flood threat and risk assessment. As new elements, an approach for the assessment of flooding by rain water and an extension of the scope for carrying out risk asse...
Minister Lichev responded to inquiries by Members of Parliament on waste management
26 Aug, 2021 | 12:55The National Assembly held a hearing for the Minister of Environment and Water Asen Lichev yesterday devoted to the import, storage, and utilization of household and hazardous waste, as well as to ways to address the problem of illegal landfills. The Council of Ministers will adopt a decision next week banning the import of waste under the...