Completed EIA Procedures

  • Construction of National Disposal Facility for Low and Intermediate Radiooactive WasteKozloduy Area

Updated Terms of reference on the scope and contents of the EIA report for investment proposal –( (No OVOS-1/16.03.2015) from Ministry of Environment and Water of Bulgaria to Romania with Non-technical SummaryTransboundary Impact ( Part VII ) of EIA Reportand Appropriate Assessment Report

Letter (No OVOS-1/24.03.2015) from Ministry of Environment and Water of Bulgaria to Romania in regard to pulbic hearings of the EIA Report in Bulgara

Letter (Reg. No 2692/CPP/16.05.2016) from Ministry of Environment, Waters and Forests of Romania to Bulgaria in regard to public hearing of the EIA Report in Romania at 12.00 AM on 9 th June 2016 in Oltenia Philharmonic, no. 16 street Calea Unirii, Craiova

Letter (№ 99-00-217/16.08.2016) from Ministry of Environment and Water of Bulgaria to Romania with enclosed standpoint of the proponent regarding the questions asked and the suggestions from the public discussin in Romania

Letter (Reg. No 7511/CPP/03.11.2016) from Ministry of Environment, Waters and Forests of Romania to Bulgaria with specified conditions to be included in the decision on the procedure

Decision on Environmental Impact Assessnent No 7-7/21.12.2016 (in bg)

  • Construction of a new latest generation nuclear unit at Kozloduy NNP site

Notification to an affected party of proposed activity under art. 3 of the Convention on Environmental Impact Assestment in transbounndary context -investment proposal “Construction of a new latest generation nuclear unit at Kozloduy NPP site”

Response of Romanian Ministry of Environment and Forests

Notification to Austria for investment proposal “Construction of a new latest generation nuclear unit at Kozloduy NPP site”

(in reply to letter from Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management of Austria)

-Response of Ministry of Agriculture,Forestry, Environment and Water Management of Austria

Terms of reference on the scope and contents of the EIA report for investment proposal

-Letter from Ministry of Environment and Water of Bulgaria to Ministry of Environment and Climate Change of Romania for the EIA Report for investment proposal “Construction of a new latest generation nuclear unit at Kozloduy NPP site” (en)

Non-technical Summary -ro

-Transboundary Impact _ (Ch. 11 , part of EIA Report)-ro

-Letter from Ministry of Environment and Water of Bulgaria to Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management of Austria for the EIA Report for investment proposal “Construction of a new latest generation nuclear unit at Kozloduy NPP site”

-Non-technical Summary-de

Transboundary Impact_-(Ch. 11 , part of EIA Report)-de

Letter from Ministry of Environment and Climate Change of Romania for upcoming EIA public hearing in Romania in November 2014:

– Dăbuleni, Dolj County – November 18, 2014; 12:00, at the Cultural Centre, Unirii Street no.14,

-Craiova, Dolj County – November 19, 2014, 12:00, City Hall meeting room Craiova, AI Cuza Street, no. 7.

– Bucharest – November 20, 2014, 14:00 at the Ecological University – in the Amphitheater hall, General Vasile Milea Blvd nr. 1G, sector 6

Decision on Environmental Impact Assessnent No 1-1/27.01.2015 (in englush)  and  ( bulgarian language)

  • Lifetime Extension of Units 5 and 6 at Kozloduy NPP

Letter from Ministry of Environment and Water of Bulgaria to Romania with Notification

-Response of Ministry of Environment and Climate Change of Romania

–Romanian comments to the Notification

Letter from Ministry of Environment and Water of Bulgaria to Romania with information about investment proposal

Screening EIA Decision No 6/25.07.2014-en ( in bulgarian language)

Letter (No 99-00-92/26.05.2015) to the Romanian Ministry of Environment, Water and Forestry for the provision of Decision No 6-PR/2014

  • Construction of a “Facility for treatment and conditioning of radioactive wastes with a high volume reduction factor at Kozloduy NPP”

–Notification to an affected party of proposed activity under art. 3 of the Convention on Environmental Impact Assestment in transboundary context-Investment proposal for the construction of “Facility for treatment and conditioning of radioactive wastes with a high volume reduction factor at Kozloduy NPP”

Responce of the Romanian Ministry of Environment and Forests

Environmental Impact Assessment Report for the Facility for Treatment and Conditioning of Radioactive Waste with a High Volume Reduction Factor at Kozloduy Nuclear Power Plant

– Chapter 3, part of EIA Report for the Facility for Treatment and Conditioning of Radioactive Waste with High Volume Reduction Factor at Kozloduy Nuclear Power Plant

Decision on Environmental Impact Assessment No. 2-2/2014

  • Extraction of sand and gravel from alluvial deposits from the bed of the Danube river, “Mishka” Site (km 462.0 - 459.4) in the area of Babovo Village, Slivo pole Municipality, Rousse District

Letter from Ministry of Environment and Water of Bulgaria to Romania with Notification under Art. 3 of ESPOO Convention for new investment proposal

 Response from Ministry of Environment and Climate Change of Romania

-Letter from Ministry of Environment and Water of Bulgaria to Romania with Scope of EIA Report

Letter (Reg. No 4072/AK/26.08.2014) from Ministry of Environment and Climate Change of Romania in regard to the Scope of EIA Report

EIA Report with Appendices,Non-technical Summary, revised Scope of EIA and Appropriate Assessment Report

Letter (ОВОС-61/29 December 2016) from Ministry of Environment and Water to Romania in regard to organized meeting for public hearing of the EIA Report in Bulgaria on 16 January 2017 from 11 a.m. in the community centre (chitalishte) of Ryahovo Village, Slivo pole Municipality, Rousse Region

  • Extraction of sand and gravel from alluvial deposits in the Danube river, “Mishka” site and “Kama” site

Notification to Romania of investment proposal ” Extraction of sand and gravel from alluvial deposits in the Danube river, “Mishka” site (km 462.0-km 459.4) in the area of Babovo village, Rousse district”

Notification to Romania of investment proposal ” Extraction of sand and gravel from alluvial deposits in the Danube river, “Kama” site (km 512.0-km 508.0) in the area of Pirgovo village, Rousse district”

Responce of the Romanian Ministry of Environment

Decision on Environmental Impact Assessment No. 6-4/2013 for investment proposal ” Extraction of sand and gravel from alluvial deposits in the Danube river, “Kama” site (km 512.0-km 508.0) in the area of Pirgovo village, Rousse district”

-Letter from Ministry of Environment and Water of Bulgaria to Romania for termination of EIA Procedure and the compatibility assessment for the investment proposal “Extraction of sand and gravel from alluvial deposits in the bed of the Danube River, Mishka section (from km 462.0 to 459.4) in the area of Babovo Village, Slivo Pole Municipality, Rousse District” by Decision No. 62-P/2013 of the Minister of Environment and Water

  • Energy Project Lom Lignite

–Notification to an affected party of proposed activity under art. 3 of the Convention on Environmental Impact Assessment in a transboundary context-Investment Proposal for “Energy Project Lom Lignite”

–Responce of the Romanian Ministry of Environment and Forests

Letter from Bulgarian Ministry of Environment and Water to Romania for termination of EIA procedure and the compatibility assessment for the investment proposal “Energy Project Lom Lignite, Lom Municipality and Brusartsi Municipality, Montana Region” by Decision No 2-P/2014 of the Minister of Environment and Water

  • Decommissioning of Units 1 to 4 at Kozloduy NPP

Notification to an affected party of proposed activity under article 3 of the Convention on Environmental Impact Assessment in a transboundary context– Investment Proposal for “Decommissioning of units 1 to 4 at Kozloduy NPP”

Responce of the Romanian Ministry of Environment and Forests

EIA Report for the Decommissioning of Units 1 to 4 at Kozloduy Nuclear Power Plant

– Decision on Environmental Impact Assesment No. 8-6/2013