- Стратегически документи
- Законодателство
- Класификация на отпадъците
Третиране на отпадъци
Трансграничен превоз на отпадъци
- Законодателство
- Основни изисквания на Регламент 1013/2006
- Формуляри и примерни договори
- Обобщени списъци на отпадъци по Регламент 1013/2006
- Държави-членки на ЕС, ОИСР и Базелска конвенция
- Ръководства
- ЕС Насоки на националните кореспонденти относно Регламент 1013/2006
- Tърговци и брокери на отпадъци
- Проекти
- Изисквания по Наредба №1
- НОВО! Електронна система
- Битови отпадъци
Специфични отпадъчни потоци
- Отпадъци от опаковки
- Излезли от употреба моторни превозни средства
- Излязло от употреба електрическо и електронно оборудване
- Негодни за употреба батерии и акумулатори
- Отработени масла и отпадъчни нефтопродукти
- Излезли от употреба гуми
- Отпадъци, съдържащи полихлорирани бифенили и терфенили
- Болнични отпадъци
- Утайки от пречистването на отпадъчни води
- Строителни отпадъци
- Биоразградими отпадъци
- Въпроси и отговори
Образци на заявления
- Образци на документи по Наредбата за ИУМПС
- Разрешения за дейности с отпадъци
- Регистрационни документи за дейности с отпадъци
- Дейности с отпадъци от черни и цветни метали
- Разрешения на организации по оползотворяване и за индивидуално изпълнение
- За вписване в регистър на търговци и брокери на отпадъци
- Документи за трансграничен превоз на отпадъци
- Регистри
- Актуални съобщения
Strengthening of the administrative capacity with the aim to ensure the efficient and enforcement of the EU waste management acquis communautaire
The wider objective of Twinning Project BG/2007/IB/EN/02 is to achieve compliance of the waste management activities of the Ministry of Environment and Water (MoEW), the Regional Inspectorates of Environment and Water (RIEWs), the Customs Agency and the Police with the requirements of the national and EU waste management legislation. Sufficient capacity for performing waste management implementation and enforcement activities shall be created by providing technical assistance and through transfer of best enforcement practices from the EU Member States to the national inspection bodies.
The project aims at improving the existing administrative capacity through:
- preparation of changes to the existing Bulgarian waste management legislation in the field of waste shipment and inspections
- strengthening of the co-ordination among the different waste management enforcement bodies
- establishment of methodology for waste inspections, accompanied by checklists for inspections,
- establishment of a program for regular waste management inspection
- training of relevant personnel concerned and external stakeholders in waste management sector informed
- standardized assessment of the results of inspections (statistics) and further steps especially in case of infringements.
Since the start of the twinning project in February 2009 following results have been achieved:
- update of Manual on classification of waste (Part I and II)
- preparation of Manual on waste control, including check-lists, guidelines and statistics forms concerning different waste streams/facilities
- elaboration of Annual plan for waste inspection
- update of parts of the homepage of Waste Directorate (MOEW) (see)
- training of the control bodies – RIEWs, Customs Agency, Ministry of Transport and Police – within workshops and training seminars
- practical checks at borders concerning waste shipments with participation of neighboring countries
- practical checks at companies concerning waste treatment
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Correspondents’ Guidelines concerning Regulation (EC) No 1013/2006
- Shipments of Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE)
- Information on imports into the Community of waste generated by armed forces or relief organisations according to Article 1(3)(g) of Regulation (EC) No 1013/2006 on shipments of waste
- Certificate for subsequent non-interim recovery or disposal according to Article 15(e) of Regulation (EC) No 1013/2006 on shipments of waste
- Classification of waste electrical and electronic equipment and fly ash from coal-fired power plants according to Annex IV part I note (c) of Regulation (EC) No 1013/2006 on shipments of waste
- Classification of wood waste under entries B3050 or AC170
- Classification of slags from processing of copper alloys under entries GB040 and B1100
- Classification of glass waste originating from cathode ray tubes (CRT) under entries B2020 or A2010
- Classification of waste cartridges containing toner or ink, according to Regulation (EC) No 1013/2006 on shipments of waste
A project implemented by Umweltbundesamt GmbH and the Bulgarian Ministry for Environment and Water. This Project is funded by the European Union.